Happy Wednesday y’all! Another no-spend July update (that I would consider more of a fail than a win) to kick week 2 off. My first recap only included three days or so, so this one included an actual full week, trip to Wisconsin for the fourth holiday, weekend back in the city running around with errands (I.e. full grocery trip to restock that I haven’t had in a good month, cleaning supplies, going out on Saturday, etc.).
Once I broke down and realized I still spent a lot, I convinced myself it’s not near as bad as it could be. For instance, I’m known to order seamless after a late night out. I don’t just order a slice of pizza or two, I order 3-4 full blown meals and often fall dead asleep before the delivery guy gets there. Great quality to have. This past weekend I made my pre-made/frozen Gluten Free Mac & Cheese from Trader Joe’s instead (10/10 would recommend by the way). A simple shift that could help me for the better!
Another change, we spent the afternoon in Brooklyn on Saturday to get out of the apartment. Normally I’d be down to split an uber between the 3 of us, but being the savvy saver I am for July I used the last half of my subway card from subwaying to the airport so the cost was already accounted for. The subway really isn’t that bad y’all, but having to buy a new card every single time you use it (me being because I’m so centrally located in the city and I walk) the more likely you are to get a card number stolen, and have to deal with all of that mess.
One bummer, my Lyft charges from a work event processed on my personal account as opposed to our business account, as well as an intern errand since it’s so hot outside. I can easily expense these things and go through the process of reimbursement, but sometimes the cost doesn’t outweigh the whole process! I did put a Venmo purchase on my card too, but a friend immediately reimbursed me so I’m not including that within the breakdown below.
One key factor that does help, I went and did a MAJOR Trader Joe’s grocery haul on Saturday morning the second after I landed. It was dead there and I needed so many things, but I got plenty of mix to make salads for lunch for the week (kale/arugula Caesar salads with salmon to be exact) and shrimp tacos/quesadillas for dinner as inspired by Nikki’s mom this past weekend. Having things pre-made/ready to go for you is so convenient but it also just reminds you that something is waiting on you when you get home. It almost inspires me to go home, as long as I like what I’m eating/made of course.
I’m rounding out my last four classes of my Barry’s membership for the month, and knowing how much traveling I’ll be doing in the month I may try and reach out to studios to try classes and work the blog angle a bit, knowing that a ton of my followers are really interested in my fitness journey, how I deal with planters fasciitis & my ankle problems. I really do horribly at working the blog angle because I feel so awkward asking at times! I always strive to be authentic, but I can always offer authentic views even if something was comped. This summer will be the summer that I’ll get better at it!
More to come on this topic separately, but I did somewhat attempt to dabble in the dating field to try and get some entertainment while I’m #poor. I basically ended up getting stood up/ghosted a few times and while the attention is nice for a hot second, the bruise to the ego doesn’t do my already-nearly-dirt-shit-temper well so I may put that one on hold. I might actually make an IGTV explaining the situation, who knows. To each their own am I right?
Overall, I get paid this Friday and receive commission link payments AND just had a few invoices fulfilled that were net-30, so I’d say I have approximately 35-40% more money in my bank account than normal. It’s a small step for Kayleigh but a large step for mankind!
I’m heading home this Friday afternoon and am coming back Monday and I can confidently say the only things I’ll be in charge of paying will be getting myself to/from LaGuardia. I might even be able to convince my mom to take me shopping!! I also have a meeting in Texas to discuss a larger partnership that I previously mentioned, which could be the biggest partnership I have to date. More to come as things unfold!
What do y’all think? How’s your month going? Have a great day and thanks for reading!
Necessary Expenses:
-Lulabelle (Brunch in Wisco): $38.50
-Trader Joe’s (Will easily last me 2.5 weeks): $117.02
-Max Delivery (Normal groceries Trader Joe’s doesn’t have): $44.79
-Hulu: $6.41
-Lyft (from the airport at 9:00AM): $28.64
Unnecessary Expenses:
-Juno: $13.91
-Lyft (my company account charged to my personal for some reason, so this is from transportation for a recent event and an intern errand that will hopefully get resolved!): $65.86
Grey Area Expenses:
-European Wax Center: $87.95
Total spent over Week 2: $403.08
Key learnings: Traveling is hard and adds up. I never like to spend so much on travel, but also never realized how quickly things add up if you’re going from Midtown to Downtown – insane! The work account charging my personal was a debbie downer too, because now I’ll have to go through the whole expense process for a small amount, womp womp. I’m hoping to be better about it this next week since I’m going home and I now know how to take the subway to/from LGA! Will I take it home? Yeah, likely not. But I may take it there LOL!
See my first week recap HERE!
Now, here are some things I’m wanting to buy!