A large handbag. I love me a decent-sized cross body for every occasion, except fashion week. It’s too difficult to try and lug everything you need around! I’m brought a larger tote bag with adjustable straps in case it starts to irritate my shoulders. I’m used my Gucci for the most part and would switch the straps from a tote to cross body. Mine is a shade of pink, but I love the neutral color linked below!
A camera. This is basically a given. I had my big, clunky camera with me everywhere but I also have a smaller digital camera that uploads pictures directly to my phone with wifi access! I have such a big lens on my nikon, so I didn’t use it as often. Talk about being perfect for bloggers.
Sole Serum. Last year, I was lucky to get a giant blood blister on the bottom of my foot after day one, but this year I made sure that didn’t happen. I brought along my Sole Serum to sooth my feet with all of the walking and heels because trust me, it gets to be so painful!
Portable Phone Chargers. I always had my cord with me, but it’s so important to have a back up charger with you at all times whenever you’re in the city. Between using apps and hopstop/uber to get around, you’re phone is constantly dying. I currently have four portable chargers in my purse, but the Peri charger is my favorite!
Sandals. I always keep lightweight sandals in my bag in the city and while I don’t think these Tory Burch ones are necessarily perfect for walking long distances, they’re lightweight and thin enough to throw down in your bag. Some people like the foldable flats for New York, but I don’t like having shoes with a back just incase they start to rub!
Make up remover. I wear so much make up y’all I’m literally addicted. But when I’m so tired at night I tend to sleep in my make up and my aesthetician wants to kill me sometimes! With the stress that is fashion week, I don’t want to break out or risk having yesterday’s make up on so I have tons of make up wipes with me! It’s an easy thing to just throw down in your bag for whenever you feel like your make up is starting to melt off-which trust me it will!
Deodorant. Again, another basic thing to throw down in your bag for the heat. Don’t be ashamed to be applying while your in cabs, the people around you will appreciate it!
While some people recommend snacks and things, I find that this weighs your bag down. If I was hungry enough I’d run into a Duane Reade and grab something quick, or I’d get a water from the pretzel carts on the street. You can shop these items below: