Sunny Lace Skirt for Spring


Skirt // Top // Wedges // Purse // Earrings c/o //
Photos by Laurel Creative.
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Happy Tuesday y’all! What a week it’s already been, I swear these weekends just continue to fly by. It’s back to gross, rainy, cold weather here in the city and I’ve never been so excited for summer to come sooner. It’s so weird to think that colleges are rounding out their school year and people are heading home for summer break! I’m definitely missing being a college kid right about now, all of our graduation pictures keep popping up on my Facebook memories and the nostalgia is seriously insane.

Today I’m sharing a bit of print mixing with this gorgeous sunny lace skirt + this blouse combo. When I saw this blouse online I knew it would make the perfect top for work. It’s easy, soft and so comfortable. When I saw this sunny lace skirt while shopping I knew they would make the best combo. I usually get my tops oversized because I’m super long in the torso, so I tied up this top to really be able to see the skirt. This skirt will be great with a plain white blouse throughout spring, or a tank during the hotter days in the summer. The color and lace is just so fun, it reminds me of little miss sunshine. What do y’all think? Have a great day and thanks for reading!

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