5 Ways to Unwind as a Milennial




Happy Thursday y’all! Doing something a little different and more lifestyle related. I did an Instagram poll asking if you guys would rather see apartment décor or how I unwind as a millennial, and to my surprise you voted how I unwind as a millennial! So here goes nothing! Like I always point out, my situation is a little different than others. I work roughly 9AM-7PM Monday through Friday, work on my blog before/after work, and try to devote my weekends to spending time with friends or in the rare one-off case working on something for my actual job. At times it’s extremely stressful, especially with different launch dates/workloads/events going on and I definitely find my blog (or my second job as I consider it) to get pushed to the side. I’m the type of personality that gets super stressed out easily, but also thrives under pressure. I somehow found a way that’s been working for me to balance work and life, so below find my top 5 tips for unwinding as a millennial!

Find a time to unplug (from work and play/social). I’m HUGE on trying not to check my work email when I’m not in office. I try to avoid checking late at night or on weekend’s because I will literally have nightmares that I forgot something crucial for the week. At the same time, I try not to check my phone as often as I normally would during work hours. The two just have to be separated. In another sense, I try to unplug once I’m home from work and leave my phone in my room and stay in my living room so I’m not tempted to check emails/do anything other than have me-time. Unhooking yourself from your phone has been a huge key for me, and even things like social media breaks on the weekends do WONDERS for me/my sanity!

Have that one person you can always talk to about anything. This may not be for everyone, but I for one am someone who has to vent about EVERY single thing. When I’m stressed, I can get so worked up by one tiny comment that a friend makes (example: I’ve recently been getting so worked up by people blowing up group texts during work hours – like what do you do all day I don’t understand I barely have time to check my phone?!). Having that one person you can gripe to about basically every little thing that bothers you about work, friends, family, etc. is such a huge relief. I have a handful of people that I use for this, and usually when I’m on my thirty minute walk home from work I’ll call one of them to discuss what’s bothering me. I don’t need them to agree/disagree, I just really need someone to listen. It definitely helps calm me in the long run.

Invest in yourself – and some great bath products for bubble baths (bubble baths, bath caddy, bath bombs, face masks, scented oils, etc). Y’all… my bath caddy has been an absolute LIFE SAVER. I’m not one for reading, but even just sitting in a bubble bath with a glass of wine and a magazine is so soothing. Since I started working in beauty I’ve started valuing face masks. So putting on a face mask, sitting in a bath tub with a bath bomb, soothing candle lit and some downtime to unplug has been such a huge factor for me. I try to do this twice a week, once on Monday to ease myself into the week and again on Wednesday to get myself through the week. Linking some of my favorite bath products below!

Keep items in your home/apartment that make YOU happy. It’ll sound so lame, but nothing brightens my day like knowing I’m coming home to a clean apartment, glass of red wine, and either zoodles or birthday cake Oreos. This days where I know I’m coming home to no wine, no food in the fridge, a messy apartment, or TV re-runs just really down my mood – especially if I stayed late at work. My solution? I have a solid four packs of Oreos in my freezer at all time (lol I’m a psycho, I know). Something so small makes such a HUGE impact on my nightly routine and unwinding from the day-to-day.

Physical health is always a factor to keep in mind for your sanity. I haven’t been to the gym in months, and I can tell that it affects my work/life balance. If I work out just a couple of times a week, I’ll be in such a better mood. That goes the same as eating healthier than just eating pizza, tacos and beer all week. Physical health is always a game changer when it comes to stress levels and unwinding at the end of the day. My friend once told me that just walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes a day can make her feel so much more accomplished and prepared for the weeks madness.

Photos by Caitee Smith.

\n\nHappy Thursday y’all! Doing", url: shareurl, }); console.info("Nobs: Successful share"); } catch(err) { console.warn("Nobs: Error sharing", error); } }); }); } });