Happy Tuesday y’all! I’m back in NYC and ready to get back into the swing of the work week, and will definitely be fueled by lots and lots of caffeine this week. Before I left Houston, I was able to go in-store to Nordstrom to see the sale first-hand and pick up a few items that were still available (thanks, Mom). With so many items being sold out within the first couple of days and slowly being restocked, I wanted to round up some items I was able to snag in-store and found online as well.
After sleeping on some of the items I initially bought, I think I will go ahead and return my leopard bell bottoms and leopard raincoat for a few things more practical. When browsing the store I found a flat pair of taupe boots that will be perfect for fall and even spring, especially since I have so many feet issues with walking to work. I also plan to re-buy my favorite pair of Marc Fisher OTK Boots in black because I wore them down so much last year the nail pokes my heel. I like to think I’m being a #mature #adult returning things I slept on for a bit (insert eye rolling emoji here).
These sneakers are too cute and I love the leopard pattern. They’re only $60 so they are such an easy staple.
I’m obsessed with these snakeskin booties and the lower heel. They almost feel like combat boots to me, and are lighter so you can wear with jeans to work or out on the weekends.
I didn’t see these boots online, but plan to snag these ASAP and return those bell bottoms I got! They’re perfect if you walk to work like I do (or are on your feet a lot during the day).
I’m obsessed with this combo and I loved the colors on this sweater! It’ll be the perfect sweater for fall and even spring.
This dress is so cute for summer! It runs super small, so size up.
I snuck this dress in too, it’s technically not part of the sale BUT it’s only $29.
I love this top so much I may go back and get other colors! Perfect with jeans or skirts, and great if your work environment is more casual.
What do y’all think? Are you heading back to snag anything else from the sale? If you’re able to, I definitely recommend going in-store to check out what’s available there because everything looks different in person. Have a great day and thanks for reading!