Happy Monday y’all! Hope everyone had a great weekend. While we’re officially on the fourth month of this Global Pandemic, working remote, and (YOU BETTER BE) wearing a mask, I wanted to dedicate today’s post to discussing “Maskne,” and my top 3 ways to avoid it. Maskne refers to the stubborn new breakouts you’re finding as a result of wearing a mask for long periods of time, whether that be around your mouth and nose area or chin. Due to the friction of the mask and irritation caused when you try to speak or interact, these breakouts have become all the rage in 2020 – and as far as I can tell they’re here to stay.
While I want to start by sharing that I’m by no means a licensed professional, there have been a handful of things that have helped tremendously when I go out and about and need to wear a mask (especially in the heat). Ultimately, if you’re looking to avoid Maskne all together then my best piece of advice is to stay home so that you don’t have to put on a mask (since you aren’t leaving the house). BUT knowing that isn’t entirely feasible for everyone, here are my three tips to combat the break outs.
What do y’all think? Let me know if you have any other tips that have worked for your skin when dealing with maskne. Have a great day and thanks for reading!
1. Avoid things that leave skin more vulnerable than normal like Dermaplaning or harsh peels (at-home or medical grade) – instead opt for (more aggressive) exfoliants/cleansers than normal to remove dead skin cells & wash directly after mask use. I dermaplaned my face prior to having to wear a mask outside in Houston for a long period of time and instantly learned that that was definitely not the move. Because my skin was more vulnerable to irritation, it resulted in smaller breakouts but more of them. Same goes for peeling (although I try to keep this to a minimum in the summer regardless). If you’re bringing that newer layer of skin to the surface it’s more susceptible to aggressors.
2. Minimize your makeup routine with tinted moisturizer, tinted SPF, or tinted Niacinamide. I’ve tried to completely cut our powder from my makeup routine where I can since this usually clogs pores during the summer, but something I’ve really tried to do is scale back my routine entirely. If I’m just working makeup-less I’ll opt for tinted sunscreen only (i.e. Drunk Elephant). The Ilia Tinted Skin Serum also works wonders because it has Niacinamide in the formula which works to fight acne. If you don’t want to spend a fortune on these items, you can always dilute your usualy foundation with The Ordinary’s Niacinamide.
3. Create a barrier with either a balm or pimple patches for breakout areas you already have. I discovered pimple patches last week and can’t get enough of them! For problem areas on my chin, I place one right before I apply my mask. When I get to my destination I can easily peel/discard of the patch. If I’m going to be wearing a mask for a long period of time (i.e. traveling or going on longer trips to the grocery store, etc.) I’ll apply a thin layer of a beauty balm that acts as a barrier with the mask. There’s less friction/irritation due to the balm and it also hydrates while you’re out – win win!
Note that these are tips based on my personal experience and what has worked for my skin. This may differ for your own skintype. Consult your dermatologist to discover what exactly best for you!