Activewear You Need for Summer 2021 | Work from Home to Errands

Happy Tuesday y’all! Kicking off the short work week with one of my favorite round ups to date with the activewear that is completely taking over my closet. When it comes to working from home, I always opt for whatever is comfiest but now that the weather is getting nicer and it’s more tempting to get outdoors, I find myself looking for the pieces that are three things: comfortable, supportive and cute. Here is my reasoning:

-When it comes to going for walks in the warmer weather (especially as we approach 80-90 degrees), I am subject to discomfort/chafing the further the distance. I love anything with shorts in it to avoid any discomfort, so I’ve been going for these options more and more lately and they’ve held their part of the bargain.

-Now that I live in West Village I always feel the need to look a little more put together than I did when I lived in Murray Hill. I don’t know how to describe it, but it seems like everyone always looks so trendy over here! These help me look pulled together and on-trend (and active at that lol).

-Since I’m still figuring out my laundry situation (currently testing a wash & fold service), I’ve been trying to minimize where I can. Now I won’t be wearing these to Orange Theory, but if I wear an outfit up to the roof to work for the afternoon, I want it to be able to hold up on the inclined treadmill for 12-3-30, and these options do. I’m sure I look a little strange to the guys in my building because I’m walking in a treadmill on a dress, but so long as I’m comfortable and feel supported in my clothes, who cares amiright?

The Fitness Dress was a trend that I instantly fell in love with last year when I snagged my Aerie dress, but this year I’ve taken it to a whole new level. Living in a building with a rooftop and experiencing the bright sunny weather while working from home, I’ve found myself wanting to get outside and these dresses are so perfect for working from home and getting a hint of sun (if you can’t justify a bikini while working remote/for your client calls). I love the Abercrombie mini dresses for sitting outside during the work day, or wearing over my swimsuit top to pull down a little to avoid crazy tan lines. They’re also supportive enough to go for a walk or do a low impact work out (likely wouldn’t go to Orange Theory in these). LOVE them!

An Updated Tennis Skort was something that I was really trying not o love this year after the overwhelming pleated tennis skirt trend last year. I can’t really pull off the “it girl” aesthetic with odd proportions and also not always fitting into every Amazon find, so I tested the waters this year with these upgraded shorts that are comfortable, adaptable to your body type, and most importantly offer enough coverage AND shorts so you don’t have to worry about walking down the streets of NYC with construction going on (too niche?!).

Shop all of my favorites HERE.

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